Monday, July 11, 2005

Crazy as Life

I'm not even the one getting married this summer, and I'm feeling crazy busy. I guess working 2.5 jobs, coordinating wedding related events, and having family traveling/returning home is enough to keep me occupied. Not to mention JH related stuff.

I officially began running the register at Eddie Bauer today. The first few were a bit rough as I needed to get the hang of the new system, but before long I was mostly into a groove and doing fairly well for my first day at it, I think.

The one thing that bothers me the most about ringing is that I have to sell credit (=credit card). I've been told by my bosses that I have to offer it to each customer at least twice, regardless of whether or not they say no. One manager said she does't even hear "no" the first 3 or 4 times the person says it. I don't know about you, but to me that comes accross really rude. I hate it when people do that to me, and I really don't feel comfortable doing that to others. But what do you do? My bosses are an authority over me and I need to honor them and do as they ask, yet I feel I'm being rude and disrespectful to the people standing right in front of me.

So I guess I sorta' compromized. I would offer credit once to each customer, and then feel may way thru the second one. I'd tell them about the "benefits" and try to sound enthusiatic about it, even though you'd have to pay me to open one, and even then I wouldn't use it. For some customers I pushed it a bit harder than others, but when I did, I really didn't feel all that good about it. I dunno, I just don't like it.

On a different note, if you think about it, please pray for Megan on Wednesday at 10:45 am. She as an interview at a middle school that would be great location-wise for her and Jeff. If this would be a job God knows would be good for her, let's pray the interview goes well and she gets it!

One last thought: I'm on page 636 of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and I know the next chapter, and even the next page, begins the section where I won't want to put it down. And yet I read it at work on my break! I'm excited to read it again (I've really enjoyed re-reading books 3 & 4 so far), but I know it'll be all consuming. Perhaps I can get it all read before I go into work at 3 tomorrow...



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