Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Jury Duty Day 2

Two days, two pools, no jury. Today was remarkably similar to yesterday. Sat around for a while, got called for a jury pool, sat some more, went up to the courtroom for the initial questions, went to a LONG lunch, sat some more, finsished questions, was dismissed from the jury pool.

All in all I really enjoyed the jury duty experience. It was neat to see our legal system in action, some first-hand experiences instead of the contrived TV version I've seen up to this point (though there are definatly some true aspects to the TV shows). Part of me wishes I could have actually been on a jury, but that part is surpased by the part of me that doesn't want to have to get up and ride a bus for an hour to downtown Seattle. : )

Don't know for sure what the rest of the week holds. Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix movie comes out tomorrow (tonight at midnight, to be precise), so I'll probably try to see that, possibly after youth group tomorrow night, we'll see. Hopefully Ben will be able to go home tomorrow or early on Thursday. He needs time to recoup before he starts his next round of chemo, which is supposed to start on Monday!

I'm sorta' stalling to try and get my room to cool off so I can actually get to sleep tonight, but I don't think that's going to happen. Its in the upper 70s in my condo right now, and not much cooler outside. This would be one of the reasons I don't like summer. Ok, enough babbling, I'm off...



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