Monday, July 16, 2007

I Caved!

Ok, so I've been contemplating this for about a week now, and finally gave in: I put a reservation in for the 7th Harry Potter book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I currently own books 1-6, but all in paperback and I was hoping to keep the set the same. My problem is I just can't wait to read the last book! It comes out on Saturday and I really want to start reading it this Saturday, I don't want to wait.

Some of you may be wondering what rekindled my obsession w/ the HP storyline. Its really simple: last Monday I brought book 6: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with me to Jurry Duty to read while I was waiting. I started to read and then got sucked back into the book, realizing I had forgotten many of the details from the story. I'm almost to the climax of the story and will probably finish reading it either tonight or sometime this week. Immersing myself in the story again I was reminded how much I enjoy it and how curious I am to find out what happens!

The other motivation for this is my fear that someone will give away the ending or some other crucial information before I read it. Last year that happened in reading book 6, as one of the JH students told me who dies in the book (I won't mention it here in case any of you reading this haven't read the book yet). It was really a dissapointment to me to have the story spoiled. Because I'll be at church on Sunday, I'm afraid that I again will hear details from students that I don't want to hear. Granted, I won't be done reading the book by Sunday morning, I don't think, but at least I'll be in process, reducing the chance that something someone says will spoil the story for me.

In case you're interested, I plan to post updates that include my ideas, hypotheses, and reflections on the book as I read it like I did for book 6.




At 4:52 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

Hi Ryan! Ben and I will be listening to it (so I won't be able to skip to the end as easily). Are you actually going to the bookstore to pick it up? The madness! We will wait peacefully at home for our package to arrive...

At 11:45 PM, Blogger R. Palmer said...

Yes, my plan is to go to the bookstore. I know it will be crazy, but my hope is that the MOST craziness will be Friday night, so it will only be somewhat crazy Saturday. We'll see...


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