Monday, August 09, 2004

Not much, though there should be

I haven't updated my blog in a while, but that's mostly because not much worth posting has happened. That, and right after post-worthy events I've been too tired/lazy to actually write a post. : )

One exciting thing that happened this last weekend was my dad's suprise 50th birthday party. We've been planing it since April, so it was cool to finally see it come together. It went well, although there weren't as many people there as we hoped. He would have been suprised if his boss haddn't called him 45 minutes before he got to the party to tell him happy birthday (his b-day still isn't for 2 more weeks). I guess the guy though that since he was going to be late he'd call...but the odd thing is, he still showed up for the party. Not only that, we told everyone to arrive at 4pm, and that dad would be there about 4:30; the guy called my dad at about 4:15! Not too bright, huh? Oh well. My dad enjoyed it, and that's the most important part.

Let's see, what else? The Mariners are back in town tomorrow. I'm supposed to work Tuesday thru Friday, but I may give up a game or two for someone else to work. Normally I wouldn't probably be so nice, but I'm leaving for Summer Trek (prayers please) on Saturday, so not working like crazy right before I leave would be a good thing. 'Course, the bookstore hasn't been crazy like I thought it would be either. Booksales start on Friday and Megan and I had nothing to do on Friday or today, and so haven't gone in to work. It's nice to have the time at home, but it'd be nice to be getting paid, too.

Ok, enough pointless rambling. I'm getting together to hang w/ Wes today, so that should be cool. My chance to see him before he heads off to Stanford to start work on his doctorate (impressive, huh?).



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