Thursday, August 12, 2004

Home Stretch

The end of summer is unfortunatly in sight. Booksales at BCS starts tomorrow. That should be "fun." Megan and Ingrid will both be there, so that's one plus. After what will probably be a long-ish day there, I'll drive back down into Seattle for the M's game again. First game of the Yankees series; should be interesting.

On a side note, I take great pride in hating the Yankees, but I now have a dilema: John Olerude is a Yankee, and I really like him! Up 'till now, there hasn't been anyone of the team that I've really liked, so I've never had a problem hating them. But now that John's there, I can't completly hate the team. It'll definatly be weird to see him in a Yankees uniform!

Back to my life...after the game tomorrow night, I'll high-tail it back home so I can pack for Trek. Saturday I'll be at church by noon, and leave by about 12:45 on Summer Trek, the junior high service mission trip. Any spare prayers would be appreciated. On the whole, this week has been much more restful than I expected--God's been good. However, when I got home from the game today (it was a day game so I had time this evening to chill) I quickly fell asleep on the couch, not realizing how tired I actually was.

So, I guess that's about it. I'll be gone from Saturday to Saturday. I then have one week (w/ the M's in town again) until I start stuff for my graduate program, but I'll give more details on that later.

Ok, I think I'll do a bit more reading while I wait for my current laundry load to finish.



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