Tuesday, August 24, 2004

If you blog it, they will come

I don't know how true that is, but I'm willing to give it a try. I was told that if I post more often, I'll get more readers. But I still have a sneaky suspicion that I have more "closet readers" (those who read but don't comment) than commenting readers, which is fine, but then I don't know if I'm just typing to oblivion.

On to the (more) interesting part of the post. Today I went into work at BCS and helped do some reorgonizing, as well as selling books. It was tollerable because Megan was there. : ) Honnestly, I don't know how Ingrid did it by herself. The job's not hard, and Linda is really great to work for, but the tasks themselves are kinda' mind-numbing. Without having another person to talk to, it'd be really hard.

Oh, ok, time for a Ryan Rant. So I e-mailed my boss before I left for Trek asking for Wednesday and Thursday's games off. When I got back, the schedule had me off on Tuesday and Wednesday. So I e-mailed the other grip on Sunday to ask that he switch games with me. Monday comes, and I haven't heard anything. So Monday night I send him a second e-mail, asking again, and requesting that he let me know either way. So today, Tuesday, comes, and still no e-mail! Granted he could have not checked his e-mail, but that's not wise, since he could get an e-mail from my boss about working another game or something. But it still remains, I didn't get any e-mail from him, so all day long I was wondering if I was working the game tonight. Wondering, hoping to find out, but nothing.

I really hate it when people don't reply to an e-mail that's time sensitive, or call you back, or wait and assume they'll see you later or something. Sometimes they do, but other times it doesn't happen, and then I'm left wondering if I'm supposed to go or stay or whatever. I'm the type of person who likes to plan, even if it's my next couple of hours. When all I'm doing is waiting on someone's response, I can't get anything done during those hours, because I'm constantly wondering if I'll hear from the person. All I want is a simple yes or know!! Or even a message/call/whatever telling me they won't know until such-and-such a time. It's the unknown that's the worst!!!

Ok, so that rant wasn't too extreeme. I'll work up to it. : )



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