Friday, July 15, 2005

Isn't it funny how...

...when something should seem weird, but it doesn't? Take, for instance, this weekend's wedding. My best friend is getting married to an awesome woman. By best friend that I've known since elementary school has his own condo and in less that 24 hours will be a married man. That should be weird to me, but for some reason it's not.

Perhaps its because the weirdness has worn off from my initial adjusting to the idea. Or maybe I'm just in denial (as we learned tonight at the rehersal dinner, both Ben and Lisa use this tactic), choosing not to deal with the weirdness so I can do the things I need to get done. It could be that this will be the 3rd wedding this summer that I'm in, a third close friend getting married. Honnestly, I have no idea, I just know that it doesn't seem weird to me...and that's weird. : )

Bachelor party was yesterday and went quite well on the whole. Of course it wasn't perfect, but it was enjoyable, I know I had a good time, at least, and I'm pretty sure Ben did as well. Today consisted of recovering from the bachelor party (let's just say we were out late) and then doing the "rehersal thing" this evening.

Tomorrow is the wedding (2pm @ CBC), which will basically take up the whole day. I will probably see most of those who read this blog there tomorrow, and if you're not coming, you're welcome to: it's an open invitation. Sunday I work the M's game and then probably head to Paul's b-day party.

Now I need to do my final wedding preperations, like coming up with my toast, so I suppose I should be going.



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