Tuesday, August 09, 2005

HP Update #4

Wow, this is the most I've posted in a really long time. See how wonderful Harry Potter is? : P

Thru Chapter 14:
Ok, so I've been told for weeks now that "the 280s" are a really good section of the book. So when I finished chapter 13 and saw that I was almost there, I decided to go ahead and read one more chapter. Sadly, I found myself disappointed. Don't get me wrong, the 280s weren't bad, and some interresting stuff did happen, but nothing like I was expecting. I was hoping for some revelation, perhaps some insight into who the HPB is. But no, it's all about the love triangles (or hexagons, more appropriatly) that are going on. None if it was a surprise to me, and none of it was all that interresting, honnestly. There's been stuff between Ron & Hermione for the last several books. The thing w/ Harry and Ginny is new to this book, but there have been hints all along, such as the smell of the love potion in Slughorn's class smelling like Ginny (flowery, I believe).

I'm sorry, but if I wanted to read about love triangles I'd read something sappy by Jane Austin (yes, sappy. This is my blog, I get to say what I want). Notice I don't read those books. Hence, I'm not looking for the love triangles. Harry likes Ginny, Ginny likes Dean. Hermione likes Ron, Ron likes Lavender. Everyone's misunderstood, people are insulted, and Ron remains oblivious. Yes, I undestand that since they're in their 6th year this stuff will be happening. I guess my biggest dissapointment comes w/ how much "the 280s" were talked up so that I feel let down. Had I not had high expectations I probably wouldn't have minded the chapter that much.

I do have to say, though, that I figured it'd be smart of Harry to fake putting the felix potion into Ron's glass, though I wasn't sure he did. And all that stuff about Voldemort's past that we're getting from the Pensive is really interresting. Adding more depth and understanding to his character. I'm getting a bit impatient to learn two things, ok, 3:
1) Who the HBP is
2) What happened to Dumbledore's hand
3) Why Dumbledore's giving Harry these private "lessons"; what's all this leading up to?

And with that I'm off to bed. Tomorrow I get to have live conversations w/ people about what I've read at chuch, so that'll be cool. I also get 15 minutes at work to read during my break. And the next chapter title seems intriguing: "The Unbreakable Vow."




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