Tuesday, August 09, 2005

HP Update #3

Ok, so this is only about one chapter, but I just have to put these thoughts somewhere!

Chapter 8:
First, the idea that Snape could be the Half-Blood Prince has entered my mind, but then I wonder, could he be a half-blood? My initial reaction is that no, he couldn't be because he's in Slytherin, but then I thought...Voldemort was in Slytherin and he was a half-blood. But how does that work? Salazar Slytherin's whole thing was he only wanted pure-bloods. So how could the sorting hat put half-bloods into his house? And Harry was almost sorted into Slytherin too, again making me think half-bloods could be in Slytherin. Hmmm...

Second, part of me wonders if Lily is the Half-Blood Prince. She was good at potions according to Slughorn, so maybe it was her? (maybe the title was just some nick-name or something, even though she would be a princess not a prince). Then agian, it could be Snape, again, because it's his old textbook that he left in the dungon, forgot to take to his new classroom. Maybe the title "Half-Blood Prince" was a secret name he gave himself in school, you know, to make himself feel better when riddiculed. Or maybe the HBP isn't actually a half-blood, but thinks of himself as a prince over half-bloods? Ah, so many thoughts...I should just keep reading. : )




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