Sunday, August 07, 2005

End Safari, Begin Half-Blood Prince

Summer Safari 2005 is now over, and what an experience it was! From the surprise appearance of Paul from a box on the first night to the students who joined the body of Christ, it was an exciting and enjoyable camp. God was gracious and gave us relativly cool weather for most of the trip. There was one day that was quite warm, possibly 100+, but no more, which was wonderful.

As usual there is too much to put into writing from camp, but suffice it to say God worked, both in the students and in myself. I'm very tired, and have been since I returned yesterday, however I will have some time to sleep in tomorrow (I only work the M's game tomorrow night). If you want more details about my car dying, lesson preperation, and work today, I can fill you in later.

In other news, I have begun Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Very exciting so far! For the next several days (weeks?) I will be posting updates on how far I am and what I think about what I've read so far. Those who are reading along w/ me are welcome to comment, as are those who have read the book already, though I ask that no one give anything way or spoil the book in any way. I will try to be careful to lable which chapters I'm talking about so those why may be slightly behind me can avoid reading too much. My first HP entry now follows...

Opening in General:
I really like that the book gets right down to business. Though I understand the necessity of the Dursley story in the books, it was getting a little old to hear how horrible they are to Harry and how much he wanted to leave. It was nice to get right into some juicy meat in the story right of the bat with a new Minister of Magic and then more info on Snape...

Chapter 2:
Very interesting, all this info on Snape. I have to admit, I guessed that Bella and Narcissa were going to talk to Snape (rather proud of myself, actually). It seems that my guess from the earlier books that Snape had infeltrated the Death Eaters was correct. So far I still think that Snape is actually a "good guy" and not lying to Dumbledore, however JK did a good job of casting some doubt to that, especiall w/ the end of the chapter. I'm not sure what the Unbreakable Vow means, or what exactally Snape had agreed to there, but it sounded like it was killing Harry Potter. Though I've read enough of the books now to know that JK could be wanting us to think that when in reality it's something totally different. I'm wondering if there's something in the wording itself to keep Snape from doing anything truely bad, but it is early in the story...

Chapter 3:
Just a few thoughts. First, I love Dumbledore. He's just an awesome character. Commanding in his presence, yet youthful and light. Second, interesting about his blackened hand. Clearly that's of some importance, though how much I don't yet know. Also I think it's interresting how in one of the articles (I think) it mentions that Dumbledore's getting older and slower in his responses, spells, reflexes, or something, and still Harry notices that he flicks his wand so fast when moving the couch for the Dursleys. I don't think he's a weak as some think, though it's possible that he's not a strong as he once was...not sure yet

As far as I know I haven't met the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, though I think we must soon. Wonder who it will be this year. I think I'll start chapter 4 tonight, but I'm not going to allow myself to read beyond that...I have tomorrow for that. : )




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