Monday, August 08, 2005

HP Update #2

Ok, you all should be very proud of me. I told myself that I'd only read one chapter before bed, and even though the title of the next chapter is "The Half-Blood Prince", I have put the book away and will not read it till tomorrow (though, admittedly, I did look to see how long the chapter was first before deciding to wait until tomorrow). And now on w/ the updates:

Chapter 4:
Not much to report here. I like the Dumbledore is a more prominent character right off the bat. Much more interactive w/ Harry and, as usual, secretive and in sublte control. Slughorn is an interesting character. Seems like a good guy who isn't all that helpful, but we shall see how he develops.

Chapter 5:
I have to admit, the thing w/ Fleur is a bit odd and I never would have guessed it. Why on earth is she marrying Bill? I'm sure there were clues to it in earlier books, but for some reason it just doesn't seem to fit, and I don't mean because none of the Weasleys like her. Oh, I also think there's got to me more to Tonks than just that she feels guilty about Sirius' death. Perhaps she's guilty about it for another reason, or maybe there's something else entirely, but it's got to be more involved than we know so far.

The OWLS were interesting, of course. I figured that Harry'd do well with them. And I'm sure that, even though he didn't do well enough in Potions to move on, he'll still be heading towards being an Auror. Something will make that happen, that I'm sure of. I mean, how could Harry not be an Auror?!

Chapter 6:
Two thoughts: first, I love that Fred and George have their own shop. It just fits them perfectly and I love that they're being so successfull. It's also nice that Mrs. Weasley has warmed up to the idea instead of being totally against it. Supportive parents are very important.

Second: I can't decide if I think Draco's a death eater or not. I have to admit that before Harry espoused his theory to that effect that I had already thought it. I'm not sure. Part of me wants to go w/ my gut and believe he is a death eater, but because Harry's so adamant about it and no one else is, it makes me doubt it slightly. Harry is often not right on w/ stuff like that.

Chapter 7:
Again w/ Draco being a death eater, I doubt myself in that idea here because it seems to fit in nicely w/ the clues we're given, but so often things are not what they seem in HP. Only time will tell. Also interesting that Dumbledore asked Harry to keep his invisiblility cloak w/ him at all times, and yet that is the doorway to his getting into more trouble. Surely Dumbledore knows that, so he's got to have a specific good reason for making that request of Harry...

Chapter 8:
I missed the whole Patronus' can send messages things. It rings a vague bell, but I didn't remember it when I read that. And what's this with being able to change your patronus? I wonder why you can do that...or maybe it reflects your mood? Then again, how can Tonks produce a patronus if she's so depressed all the time??

And Snape w/ the Defence Against the Dark Arts job! I have to admit, I didn't think this was coming until book 7. I'd like to say I saw it coming, but I didn't. I'm not that quick. Though it does explain how Harry can still be an Auror w/o the Oustanding score in Potions--Slughorn will let him into his NEWT class. Again, I think Snape is still good. Dumbledore isn't as stupid as many people think, in fact, he may be putting on an act of being more "old" which does seem to be a bit of a theme so far. I stand firm in Dumbledore's choice to appoint Snape in the position he's wanted for so many years as a smart one. It must somehow advance Snape's position as a Death Eater spy or something...not sure yet. I know it will also keep Snape in Harry's life to tourment him. There's no way he was getting out of that so easily! (see first HP post).

--Ok, enough of this, I'm off to bed. And really, I'm trying to read slow enough for those behind to catch up. I do want to stay about the same w/ you all...




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