Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Wadaya Think??

FYI: I was finally able to get a comments supplement working here on my blog so that I can hear your thoughts on my thoughts. . .wait, maybe I don't want to hear that. Oh well, at least I'll get to see if anyone actually reads my blog! : P

Use is pretty simple. Click on the Comment link after the post you want to comment on and it will bring up another window with the current comment string. Type up your comment, click ok, and you will have successfully commented. Congrats!


Is it Friday yet?

Ever have one of those weeks where it seems to just drag on? This is one of those for me. Halfway thru my day I realized that it's only Tuesday. In my mind it should be at least Thursday. Having 3 more days than you think you should makes for a long-feeling week.

Tomorrow will be good, 'cause I don't have my chem lecture class due to "The Mass of the Holy Spirit" (the advantages to going to a Jesuit school!). I do still have the lab, however, which I'm a bit aprehensive about. I heard stories last year from students who were taking chem that there was lots of work and write-ups afterword. I'm not really looking forward to that at all. But we shall see how it actually goes. After lab I have time to kill in Bellevue before church (no sense in driving home in traffic just to come back an hour or two later). Potentially I'm meeting w/ a friend during that time, but I haven't heard from him on that one : )

Well, I still have quite a bit of HW to do, so I should probably be a good student and get off the computer. Here goes!


Sunday, September 28, 2003

Something about Chemistry

I've only had chemistry for three days so far this quarter, but I've already noticed something: every time I pull the book out to try and read it I find something to distract myself w/. Right now for instance. I need to finish reading the first chapter, but then I remembered that I haven't updated my blog in a while, and so here I sit, typing away at my blog.

I suppose I should update my life now, huh? Well, school's started and it's not going to be as bad as I thought it would be, but it will still be lost of work, and I'll be spending lots of time at school, which is a bummer.

On the upside, I think the lab which I have on Fridays until 5:05 pm (should be outlawed) will actually be fun. It's for my Microbiology class, and most of the time we get to look at things and take cultures. Oh, and the best part is that the proff said the lab won't usually take until 5! Yea!

Let's see. . .Friday I spent the evening w/ a friend just chillin' over at his place. Had a great time! Saturday consisted of working the M's game, coming home, and working on the lesson for church this morning. Long day, but a good day over all. Today I went to church, came home, updated my blog, procrastinated doing more homework, (future events: party in Seattle for end of M's season, come home, procrastinate some more, watch season premier of Alias !!!!!!).

Well, that's it for now. I'm sure more updates will come soon (or maybe not so soon. It depends on school).


Thursday, September 25, 2003

Just a quick post, then a shower and to bed w/me. I was driving home from school today, and Mt. Ranier was just amazing! If you have a chance to see it this weekend, since the weather will be clear, I recomend it. It's a beautiful mountian, a wonderful example of the artistry of our awesome God!


Wednesday, September 24, 2003

First Day of School

Today was the first day of class for me . I actually only had one class today, which was nice. It was chemistry, which I still think is going to be difficult and alot of work. However, the proff seems nice, and is really interested in us learning the material and doing what he can to help bring that about, which is a good sign.

Being the frist week of class, and not a full one at that, I didn't have my chem lab which I normally have on Wednesdays. Instead, I came home for several hours before returning again to downtown Seattle to work an event at Safeco Field. For a while I was considering hangin' at school until I had to work, since I'd already be down there, but the I realized it'd be 7 hours, and decided that wouldn't be fun.

And it's a good thing I went home, too. While I was not doing anything productive, I get a call on my cell from Ben: he's at work w/ a migrane and needed me to pick him up and bring him home 'cause he couldn't drive. God was really orchestrating that one, I think, becuase I could leave right then w/ no problem and was able to get him home. Hopefully he's sleeping well right now and will be doing better tomorrow morning. Be praying for his recovery if you think about it.

There's more from today, but I need to get to bed (since I have all 3 classes tomorrow), so that's all for now!


Sorry about the lack of new posts lately. I was trying to get comments available so that all the millions of you who read this (I'm sure) could actually respond to some of what I write, should you feel so led. Unfortunatly, as I was tampering w/ the code for the blog, I must have messed it up, 'cause it moved stuff around and wasn't working right.

Anyhow, long story short, I figured out a work around, and have it up and running again, but w/o comments. Oh well.


Sunday, September 21, 2003

Here it is, Sunday night, and I haven't done any weekend posts. What a travesty! I guess I shall update you on my weekend, then (this is assuming that people actually read this thing, I guess)

Friday was my last day of work at BCS. It was a good job, but I'm glad to be done w/ it for a while (it just wasn't the same once Ingrid left!). : ) After work I went up to Woodinville to meet Ben for dinner. We went to Las Margaritas and had tasty Mexican food. Then we bopped over to Ben's place and just hung for a bit; looked at pic's from Wes' trip to Europe, and surfed and chatted. It was good.

From there I drove out to North Bend for the Youth Staff Retreat. The Retreat actually went better than I was expecting. It was more laid back and I had some time to myself, which was really nice. Church was this morning, and I've been working on re-doing my closet this afternoon.

Stephen Hawking update: I'm somewhere in chapter 3, but since I didn't get the stuff at the end of chapter 2, I'm have trouble w/ some of the chapter 3 concepts. It's really interesting stuff, but it's going to take some work to understand!


Friday, September 19, 2003

It's official: I'm tired. I was up late Wednesday night, and I haven't quite recovered yet. Though I should have gone to bed earlier last night, I have things to do, and thus didn't recover any of my lost sleep. And I don't think I'll be getting any of it back this weekend either, since it's staff retreat.

I came to a scary relelation this week: I'm a nerd. Not just any nerd, but a science nerd. I think I've joked about it before, but now I'm convinced it's true. This summer I picked up Stephen Hawking's book "The Universe in a Nutshell" which is basically about quantum therory and it's ramifications. It's a difficult book, and I've only made it thru the first two chapters (and I've only understood some of the content!). The really scarry thing is: I like it! I find it really interesting, and I actually want to try and understand it. Granted, once I have the basic concepts down, I'll be able to understand things like time travel, black holes, and wormholes (very cool), but I still look and feel like a nerd!

I guess it's not all bad, but I never really thought about it. At least I know I'm not completly sociallly inept (yet). I can still relate w/ normal people (yes, I'm excluding myself from that group), and I don't get funny looks all the time!

This actually leads me to a question: What's the difference between a geek and a nerd? They are both similar, but I wonder if there is a subtle differance. Any thoughts?


Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I know I really should be in bed right now (since I can't seem to get to work on time in the morning), but I just had to draw your attention to another blog I was just introduced to. It's run by a friend of my from church, who I will allow to remain annonymous unless he chooses otherwise. All that I'll share is that he has one of the best names possible, and his blog is hilarious (like rotfl funny). I've also added it to my sidebar blog list, so you know it MUST be good! : ) That's all for now. Night. . .


Ok, I've been delinquent on posting this week. As time goes on, I feel the dark cloud of school looming ominously over my near future. (That was nice and poetic, wasn't it? : P )

Ingrid went back to Bellingham on Sunday, and I belive Megan is up there today. It's once again Ben and I holding down the fort here in the greater Seattle area.

It's nice not to have the M's in town, since that means I only work 8 hours a day, instead of 13-15. Makes a difference. However, I'm not particularly happy w/ how the M's are doing right now. They were playing well last week, and then seemed to loose it again. Who knows what the deal is!

Youth Staff Retreat is this weekend, and I'm debating whether or not to go. I know I'm going to be tired, and it would be nice to have a weekend at home before I start school, and yet it's a good time to bond as a staff, and we're going to have a meeting during the time there as well. For now I'm going to plan to go unless I can find a good reason not to.

I suppose I should get back to work now. More posts to come sometime this week. . .


Saturday, September 13, 2003

I was doing some research online tonight about the Big Bang for the lesson I'm teaching tomorrow morning, and I came accross this site: Archive of Astronomy Questions and Answers I think it's one of the best, objective, scientific answers to the question of what started the Big Bang. It may seem like a cop-out to some of you, but scientifically, the author is correct. Not to say that the question isn't valid. It is, and many scientists have tried to answer it. But the question is not one that can or should be answered by the Big Bang theory. Rather, there must be a new theory to explain it.


Friday, September 12, 2003

I'll be heading to bed shortly, but for now I need to quickly say that I don't have to get up in the morning. Now, this may not seem all that great to everyone, but for me, it's just what I need! I've been going like crazy all week, and now I finally get my one day of rest, and boy am I going to take it! (ok, so it's rest because I'm not going to work, but I have plenty of work to do at home)

The M's are back and playing as a team agian, FNL went well tonight, and I've had a great summer w/ my friends. Things, in general, are good (minus my friends (Megan & Ingrid) are getting ready to head back to school).

That's all for tonight: I'm not making much sense, and am spacing out as I type. So until next time. . .


Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Ok, I have to put this in here 'cause it was so weird. Tonight at Safeco field, somewhere around the 6th inning, almost all the field lights went out--we lost power! It was a really odd thing to see the field very dark w/ the stadium full of people. I mean, I've seen the field after games when they turn lights off, but not w/ some 35,000+ people in the stands!

Alirght, I should get to bed. But I just had to comment on that. It took about 35 minutes to get everything back up and running. I guess it was caused by a semi hitting a power pole (oops). Oh yeah, and the M's finally won!


This will probably be a rather short post-not much to say. I'm just killing time here at Safeco Field before work starts. I'm tired. I was a bit concerned driving over here that I'd fall asleep. Not a good thing! No matter what I do, I never seem to get to bed at a good time. I think it's related to the fact that I'm really a night person, and would rather stay up anyway.

Tomorrow it'll just be me and my boss at BCS; Ingrid is taking James, her boyfriend, to see Phantom of the Opera (my favorite show, btw) at the Paramout. So it'll be up to me to come up w/ stuff to do and to get the place organized. I do get to take Alex Kato and Pete Stearns to lunch, so at least I'll get out of there for a little bit. Assuming I'm not too tired, I'll post an update tomorrow! : P


Tuesday, September 09, 2003

God was smiling on me tonight! I'm in another one of those stretches where I work at BCS during the day and then work the M's game that evening, 3 days in a row. It gets a bit tiring, as I'm sure you can imagine. Tonight, however, about the 7th inning, the camera stopped working, which means I stopped working. We hung around to figure out what was wrong, but there was nothing more to be done tonight, so I got to leave early (about 9:45pm). That was great, since the game went into extra innings. I got home about 5 minutes after the game ended. It was great!

There's other stuff going on in my life, but it's either too complicated to write, or I'm too lazy to do so, so that's all for now!


Saturday, September 06, 2003

Boy am I tired, but it's a good tired. I just got back from Seaside this afternoon. The trip was great-I had a wonderful time! I got to relax and hang out with my firends, while being away from home and in the beauty of God's creation. What more could you ask for? (perhaps a little more sleep, but I guess that's my fault)

We mostly hung out, either at the Sandcastle or at the beach or in town. But it was great not to HAVE to do anything. I didn't really think or worry about anything here at home. It really was great.

I also got to know some people better (Jeff & James) and meet some new people (Dustin & Laura), which was cool. I'm so thankful that I have a wonderful group of friends who I can hang with and who are supportive. Thanks guys!!

And a special thanks, first to Ben for organizing the whole thing, and second to the Fergusons for letting us use the Sandcastle. Again, the trip was great!

Well, I really should try to get some sleep before church tomorrow, so that's all for now!


Tuesday, September 02, 2003

I have to get this out of my system, then I'll drop it. I've never liked spending large ammounts of money (that's not to say I don't like expensive things, I just have a bad case of buyer's remourse). Today would be one of those days.

I took my car into the shop to get a tune-up and to have them look at the AC to see what was needed to fix it. Little did I know going into the day that I'd be spending almost $600. That was not at all my goal. Part of the problem was that I wasn't clear that I didn't want to go ahead and have the AC fixed, I just wanted to know what it would take to do it. The other part is that it's just plain expensive to service a car. Oh well, live and learn.

And one good thing thru this is that I'm reminded that, though it's more than I was planning to spend, and I would rather not spend it, God has been and is providing for me; He meets my needs so I really have no reason to complain.

On a different note. . .in about 24 hours from now, me and some of my closest friends will be in Seaside, Oregon. : ) I'm really looking forward to the next 3 days of relaxing. Granted, I have to get thru another busy day of work and a 5 hour car ride first, but it's all worth it to just relax and hang with friends. It should be a great time, and I can't wait!


Monday, September 01, 2003

This will have to be short (I need to get up early tomrrow!). I've had a great weekend. I didn't get as much done on my room as I'd like, but I did get some stuff done here at home, as well as getting some time to just relax!!

There was the Praise and Baptism at Sambica last night. That was really cool. I love seeing others and the joy they have when they get to be baptized. It's also cool to hear the testimonies--to hear what God's done/is doing the the lives of the students I have/work with every week. After the baptisms I went to Megan's house w/ Ingrid and James to pay Penuchule (ok, so I can't spell the word!). It was. . .umm. . .better than the last time I played the game. : ) It was fun to see a different side of James too.

Today I got to hang w/ Anders all day. I couldn't get the bike rack to work on my car, so we had to change plans, but ended up having a great time.

I now need to get to bed, since I have to drop my car off to get a tune up at 7:15am tomorrow. And then it's all day at BCS for the hectic first day of school. I'm sure it will be lots of work, and quite exhausting, but I can just come home afterward, so that'll be good.

Oh, and then I pack and get ready to leave for Seaside, OR Wed. after work! : ) Should be good. . .