Sunday, July 29, 2007

Review: An Inconvenient Truth

I just watched the Al Gore movie An Inconvenient Truth and feel compelled to write a review from a science teacher's perspective. Before I do, however, I'd like to say that I'd love to hear from any of you who aren't science people that have seen it (or if you haven't, watch it first and then read my review so I don't taint your perspective). Though I love knowing science, in cases like this it means I can't accuratly read how the "average" person will perceive things on scientific topics, such as global warming.

First thing I have to say about the movie is that its political. I don't care what anyone says, the movie clearly depicts Gore as the chapion of the world and basically any republican president during my life time as bad. Yes, I realize that the republican party has traditionally taken a less environmentally friendly approach to politics, but in my opinion, if the focus of the video is truely changing the causes of global warming, then getting into past polatics is irrelevant.

Along with my first thought is another that closely follows it: this movie accuratly reflects my view of Al Gore: egotistical and a bit haughty. There are many scences, especially in the beginning, where it shows Gore doing things that make him look good, popular, and amazing. I've alwasy thought he was a bit arrogant (I have an eye for that), but this just confirmed it.

Ok, now for the movie itself and the science behind it. I thought it did a great job of giving a non-scientific description of global warming. Gore did spend time going into some science (some if which was innaccurate, though not in a significant way), but not really giving evidence that a scientist would be interested it -- let me rephrase that: he didn't give the level of detail required of a scientific argument. He presented lots of data, but didn't give all the details around the data and there were times when it was clearly taken out of context or re-created, and w/o seeing the original, you don't know if the graphs were drawn in such a way as to emphasize their point, possibly skewing the perspective slightly.

I must say, though, the moive did a really good job w/ the most important and, in my opinion, most convincing bit of data that supports human causes to global warming, which is the graph of historic temperatures over the last few hundred thousand years and how it's so highly correlated with the concentration of CO2 in the air. That creates a really nice picture of what's going on and why scientists are convinced of the link between human activity and global climate change.

One final comment overall: the presentation looked really nice. The slides were all really clean and the talk was tailored really clearly and flowed really well. I didn't find it boring or dull. It was very visually stimulating and enhansed. Gore spoke very clearly and it was easy to follow what his main points were.

In short, An Inconvenient Truth takes some scientific evidence (and some data that really isn't scientifically convincing evidece) and uses it, plus some antecdotes, to create a complelling emotional argument/case for the reality of global warming. While there is nothing wrong with this type of argument, I would have like to see more solid science. This is not a movie I would show in my class for two reasons: 1) its highly political and that has no place in a science classroom, and 2) I would prefer to stick to the data, not interpretations of the data and not data out of context.

So there you have it, those are my cusory thoughs about the movie. If you'd like more details, don't hessitate to ask.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Class Update

I have to keep reminding myself that this class is really a good deal for me. All paid for, I get a stipend, and 5 graduate school credits, in addition to free lunches for 2 weeks. Yes, its really a sweet deal for me. The problem, is I'm trying to get this program made and just can't do what i want to do. The simple things that we learned last week are great for making a TIE fighter fly down the trench of the Death Star, but I don't know how to display the useful info for Kinetic & Potential energy of a roller coaster.

Just today and tomorrow (though we're supposed to finish our programs by the end of the day today....)


Monday, July 23, 2007

Deathly Hallows - Final (for now)

So I'm truely pathetic. I was being good and went to bed after my last post, but then I couldn't sleep. I don't know if it was because I haddn't finished the book, but I suspect it has more to do with the tea I had several hours earlier: I think the caffine was still in my system. So instead of tossing and turning, I decided to put my time to good use and finish the book. : )

Some things that surprised me: I didn't expect that all the stuff about the Deathly Hallows was true and real; I thought there was more to it than we had known up to that point. So I was wrong there. Honnestly, I'm also surprised that Snape died so easily and quickly. And that I guess I have to concede that he was in fact good. That's hard for me to say, as I still don't like him as a character...I'm going to have to wrestle with that one. He did everything out of a love for Lily, Harry's mother, but he never really liked Harry, of that I'm still convinced. He loathed him and the memories of James he brought back, I think. Does that make his actions good, or simply motivated by his own selfish desires? Still need to think on that.

Then there's Dumbledore, my original favorite character. The thoughts Harry saw that revealed so much information in the pensive really dissapointed me about my favorite character. But then, after reading the chapter in King's Cross station, I felt my love for the character returning. I'm going to have to re-read the chapter on the pensive to see how I feel about those past events in light of what we now know from the King's Cross station information.

I was right and wrong about Harry's end. Yes, he did in fact have to die, as I suspected, but I did not expect that he'd be able to come back to life again! And, even though there were a great many characters who were killed, I was surpised by the small number of main characters who died. I really figured one of the 3 would be killed. Of all the deaths in the book, the death of Dobby was the most difficult and sad for me. I think Lupin's death would have been more impactful if we had seen it and experienced it. And the fact that Harry was avoiding his emotions at that point, trying to press towards his goal, and therefore we didn't feel his emtions about the situation as we did w/ Dobby.

Ok, I need to pay better attention in class, I may post more later (it'll depend on how tired I am later)


Deathly Hallows #6

Up to Chapter 34
So much has happened, and I was intrenched in a part where I couldn't put the book down. Now its nearly 1:30am and I need to go to bed, as well as reaching a point where I feel I can stop and not feel compelled to keep reading.


Basically, I'm really dissapointed. I know we don't have all the details yet, but I have a feeling this is pretty close to the truth. Dumbledore seems to be an "ends justify the means" type of person. He did what he thought was right, but unfortunatly it was wrong. I'm really dissapointed in his character; I always thought more highly of him than that. I still haven't had the time to process all the details, but dissapointed is probably the best word to describe how I feel (in case you haddn't noticed).

And as for Snape, of course Rowling found the solution that was neither "good" not "bad". He was opperating under Dumbledore's orders and was on the "good" side in that sense, but I still hold that he is not "good". All he was doing was because of his own selfish motives, his love for Lilly, Harry's mom. As I suspected, he was in it for himself, not really on either side, but rather on the side of himself.

Ok, enough for tonight. I have a little over 50 pages left, so I'm sure I'll finish tomorrow, either before class or during lunch if I can. Just so you know, this will take some time to process before I really know how I feel about the book (I know I'm not done yet, but I feel the end approaching).

Oh, and interesting that even though Harry isn't technically a horcrux, he does have part of Voldemort in him like a horcrux...


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Deathly Hallows #5

Chapter 19
Ok, I definatly wasn't expecting anything like this! So Ron's Deluminator has the ability to take him to where Harry and Hermionie are...seems odd. I hope we find out how it works!

And finally, halfway thru the book, we have the first horcrux destroyed. And it seems not to be as hard as I would have thought. Now that they have the sword, they just have to resist the temptations that come from the soul fragment and puncture the object w/ the sword. Of course, they have to actually find the objects first, which they aren't so keen on.

But who's patronus was the doe? Because its a female dear, I wonder if its a girl who conjured it, but I don't know. A doe is the "opposite" of a stag, Harry's patronus, so maybe they're related somehow? But that doesn't make sense, because Harry's mom is dead, he doesn't have a sister, and Ginny's patronus isn't a doe (besides I don't know how she'd know where to send it). Maybe Bathilda Bagshot's patronus was a doe, and somehow it survived post-humasly? Or something?

One non-chapter related thought: you know the bag Harry is carrying around that Hagrid gave him? It seems oddly similar to what Voldemort did. He has objects, tokens, that are significant to him, and he just carries them around with him. I don't know if this is important, or if it is, how, but I thought it was an interesting similarity.

Ack, things are coming so fast I don't feel like I have time to write/reflect about them all. Of course, the things that just happened are foremost on my mind, currently. So the next thoughts come from Chapters 20 -22:

Basically, I think Harry's all wrong when it comes to the Deathly Hallows. Too often he gets an idea in his head and he's 100% wrong about it. While the objects themselves may truely exist, Hermione's right that they should stick to finding Horcruxes, not the items of the Hallows. No, I don't think the ring is in the snitch, the the invisibility cloack may be real.

This book has a distinctly different feel than the other's in the series. I don't know if its because you can feel the end coming or maybe because we're not at Hogwarts at all (though I do think we'll end up there evetually).

Its nice to have Ron back, and Hermione talking to him again, but it seems like the 3 of them are rarely united in what they're doing. Ron left, then he came back, but Hermione wouldn't talk to him, then Harry gets the idea about the Hallows, but Ron & Hermione don't agree (and neither do I)...its just a bit frustrating.

One last comment before I make some dinner: I really like the Potterwatch radio, especially the code-names for the individuals. JK Rowling has alwasy been good w/ her character and spell names, and these just highlight that. Lee JORDAN is "River," REMUS Lupin is "Romulus" (from mythology, 2 brothers raised by wolves), KINGSly is "Royal"...I just think its amusing. :)

Ok, I think I'm going to make waffles for dinner, then probably more reading. My updates will slow once tomorrow hits because I'll be back in class during the day, but fear not, I'll continue to update you with my thoughts and such as they come. Hope you are enjoying the book as much as I am!



Deathly Hallows #4

Chapter 14
So I'm still uncertain about the whole Harry seeing Voldemort's thoughts again thing. The suspicious part of me thinks Voldemort is doing it on purpose, perhaps to get Harry to start searching for this guy who took whatever it is that Voldemort is looking for. But I'm not so sure. It seems to be attached to extreme emotion again, like it was in the beginning before Voldemort controled it, so perhaps he's not aware...and the horcrux may heighten the experience as well. Still not sure on that one.

I do have to say, on the subject, that it bothers me that Hermione keeps reminding Harry that he should be practicing Occlumency and if he had just practiced w/ Snape and all. The thing is, he didn't, he wasn't any good at it, and can't really be expected to be any better at it now, since he's on his own. Yes, he could try what he's learned so far, but I think the way she phrases things just doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter what he should have done, because he didn't.

Chapter 15
Rowling is a good author. As I was reading this chapter I was beginning to thing that things were getting slow and not much was happening. Then, about then, she brings the other people into the mix so we can evesdrop on their conversation and create a new wrinkle in the story (and on a deeper level, it helps us identify w/ the charactes who were definatly feeling the monotany). I have no idea where Dumbledore would have hidden the real sword, but there's got to be some place Harry can get to. But I'm a bit scared, since Dumbledore burned/killed his hand, Harry's much less skilled than the former headmaster and could do much more damage, even with the sword.

Also interesting in this chapter is the row between Ron and Harry. Seems that just the presense of the horcrux has brought the whole atmosphere down. Again, I see the analogy to the spiritual realm. Satan and the things of the world can suck the life and community out of things, just by being around. It reminds me of something the sorting had said early on, I think in Chamber of Secrects, where they have to be united themselves in order to combat what's coming. The same idea is repeated in scripture: A house divided against itself cannot stand. And just like Satan, Voldemort (via the horcrux) breeds derison and conflict, which tears the group apart, keeping them from accomplishing their goal.

Chapter 16 & 17
Freaky scarry! I don't know why Harry hasn't figured it out yet; if he as an idea and Hermione has an idea, go with Hermionie's! She was rettisent to go w/ the little squatt lady, and I was right there with her. As I read the whole part where Harry had to go alone upstairs, I had this "holding-my-breath" type sensation, waiting for the bad thing to happen. Of course, I didn't have any idea it would be Nagini! That's weird and kinda' gross. And then to actually have the experience, the night where Harry's parents died recounted...very interesting, and sad.

So what's with the horcurx being burned into Harry's skin? Did Voldemort know Harry had it? He couldn't have. Maybe it was just the evil, the fact that there was the horcrux and also the scar connection...not sure

Chapter 18
Rita Skeeter is a jerk. You can tell just by the way she writes that its not true. And it still bothers me that Harry is so quick to believe her lies. Yes, there is probably some truth in it, but Harry believes the worst, no benefit of the doubt. Granted, in his defense, he's greiving and one of those stages is anger. He's feeling abandoned; nearly every adult of importance in his life left him in one capacity or another, and that's hard to deal with, hard to cope with. Which gives me all the more respect for Hermione. Even though she likes Ron and wants to be with him, she sticks by Harry, faithful, bearing the brunt of his anger and pain. Though she's not perfect either, she demonstrates many qualities of true, faithful friendship. (as far as personality types, she seems like a golden retriever, for those of you who know what I'm talking about).



Saturday, July 21, 2007

Deathly Hallows #3

Remember what I was saying in the last post about not feeling compelled to keep reading yet? Well, that didn't last long. I've read from chapter 9 until 13 nearly non-stop, and I'm only stopping now because if I don't I won't be able to make any notes from this last section. I need to get back to reading because I don't know what's going on, but want to update ya'll on what I think so far...

-I love what's happend w/ Kreacher. Its great that Harry has started to treat him better and that things have improved there. It harkens back to what Sirius told Harry once (and happens to be one of my favorite quotes: "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Its great that Harry is learning and growing beyond what Sirius had w/ Kreacher.

-It's funny that, apparently, one of the first suspicions about who RAB is seems to be confirmed as Sirius' brother. Don't yet know what that means, but interesting, never the less.

-I hate that Umbridge is still a character in the story. I absolutly loathe and abhor her; she is evil, matched only by Voldemort and Bellatrix, in my opinion. I really hopes she gets it in the end. : )

-Also interesting the approach Rowling has chosen to take w/ Voldemort controling the Ministry secretly. It seems to be analogous to how Satan works here in the United States: if he is overt, people would notice and revolt, but being subtle is actually more effective. Scarry, but true.

-It also seems as though Rowling is delving into historic themes w/ the muggle registration and "pure-blood" issues. I think she's talked about these things before on her website, but it does bring up images of Nazi Germany and Hitler. Though it's not the same, there are similarities between how Hitler rose to power and how Voldemort is able to sway the feeling of the wizarding world against "mudbloods" and others who aren't "pure-bloods." The inquisitions, trials, and all also harken back to the McArthey hearings of the 1950s.

-I'm a bit upset that Harry still can't control his temper/anger. I guess that's his 'fatal flaw', right? I mean, blowing their cover at the Ministry because he was angry at Umbridge instead of being strategic (or at least trying to be). Yet, as the main character, he always seems to be able to get away with his poor judgement and lack of self-control. I know there have been times when its come back to bite him, but not in a really huge way, at least that I can recal.

Ok, I need to get back to the story and find out what was going on w/ Hermione during the apparation and why she was slipping away and now holding w/ a vice grip...I sure hope it isn't someone else and not Hermione!


Deathly Hallows #2

Chapter 6&7
I'm more interested in the events of chapter 7, to be honnest. The 4 willed objectes from Dumbeldore are quite intriging. I want to make something significant from the comments left in the will about the objects: Ron - "in the hope that he will remember me when he uses it". I wonder if something about Dumbledore allows the device to do something else? Or perhaps something Dumbledore did/said will help remind Ron of something later? Hermione - "in the hope that she will find it entertaining and instructive", emphasis on the instructive, is my guess. Sounds like its a type of Asop's Fables type book, so there are probably morals in each story that may have some significance for what they are trying to do? Harry - "as a reminder of the rewards of perserverance and skill." Perhaps to encourage him to to keep at the Horcrux search? I also wonder if there's actually something inside as opposed to some clue or something like that inside? I dunno.

And on a similar vein, what's w/ Lupin and Tonks? Not in the best standing w/ Scrimgour, eh? Oh, its nice to see the first few mysteries from this book surface! I'm sure it'll take at least to halfway thru the book before we find the answers to most of these questions!

Chapter 8
Just a few comments. First off, Dumbledore is definatly still an important part of the story, which I like very much. I'm bothered, however, at Harry's willingness to believe the worst about Dumbledore. I do understand that he's getting new details that don't make sense yet, but if he's really "Dumbledore's man, through and through," he'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Granted, he's not hating or dis-believing Dumbledore, but he's definatly questioning. And doesn't he realize that the source of all this information is someone who believes all that Rita Skeeter writes? Definatly not trust-worthy source, though I'm sure there is some truth in it.

And Scrimgour dead, ministry fallen...interesting to see what will follow...


Deathly Hallows #1

First off, a few thoughts/predictions about this book:
-Dumbledore is dead. Jo said so very clearly after book 6
-Snape...I'm still not sure. I'm not as ready as some to believe he's good. When I re-read book 6 last week, there was more doubt than before that Snape is good. I can still see it happen, but I suppose if I had to choose, I'd say he's bad. I think more accuratley, he's in it for himself. I kinda' think he'll live, but have some sort of horrid consequence he'll have to bear the rest of his life
-Harry will have to die (or at the very least, give something valuable up) in order to kill Voldemort

And now, for the chapter reflections:

Chapter 1
Interesting that books 4-7 all start w/ something related to Voldemort & the bad guys. Sorta' sets the tone for the books as darker than 1-3. This intro chapter yet again reinforces my doubt that Snape is really a good guy. While I might see that he did kill Dumbledore on his orders, I'm not convinced it was out of pure motives.

Chapter 2
Let me just say that I think I hate Rita Skeeter w/ about the same level of loathing as Harry. She drives me crazy, mostly, I think, because she lies and mis-represents reality - and people believe her! This chapter was very interested, however, in giving background on Dumbledore. I'm interested to see if we find out more about his family, especially his brother. While Rita is more interested in his mother & sister, I think his brother is still alive and may play a more important role (though the past seems to be important in this vein as well).

Chapter 3
I really like what Rowling did here. Though Uncle Vernon & Aunt Petunia didn't really come around, it was neat the way Dudley started to. I realize he's still been a jerk to Harry, but he seemed to be starting to get it, starting to realize things haddn't been right between them. Harry seems to me to be the type of person that'd have a hard time accepting that, but he did alright, at least w/ the goodbye. I'm not sure if this will be the last we see of the Dursleys or not...I lean towards not, but I could see it as being the end.

So far in the book, I've felt like there has been alot of set-up, not much happening. I haven't felt the page-turning drive I've felt in the other books yet. I'm sure its coming, just not quite there yet. Though I think that's good, kinda' get us warmmed up before getting into the meat of the action and story

Chapter 4 & 5
And speaking of action, here it comes. And boy did it hit all of a sudden! I really wasn't expecting the action to begin so early. All of a sudden we have crazy death eaters and an appearance of Voldemort! The thing w/ Harry's wand...very interested, and I really don't understand it. I wonder if the fact that Fawks' feather is in his wand makes a difference at all? I mean Fawks is still alive, though not around currently. I don't know if he is able to have some influence on the wand? Don't know, and unfortunatly, as Harry has mused, Dumbledore isn't around to explain it too us. However, the flash in the mirror chard is interesting. I seem to remember that Harry tried to use it to see Sirius after he'd fallen thru the veil and it didn't work, so it shouldn't work for Dumbledore, but I know something's important about that chard...interesting to see what it'll be



I'm Pathetic

So my original plan was to get up semi-early Saturday morning and go to Barnes & Noble and buy the 7th Harry Potter book I had on reserve. Well, my plans changed. While I was taking Ben home (he was wonderful enough to help me get a jump-start on some filing that's about a year overdue), I get a call from my friend Paul, who's house is just 5 minutes from Ben's. He needed a phone number and so I stopped by there, ended up watching a movie and chatting.

To make a long story short (too late), I left Paul's about 1am, fully realizing that the 7th book was already released, so I decided to take the long way home and just swing by B&N to see if they were still open and if there wasn't a long line. I got there about 1:15 am and stood in line for a whopping 6 minutes, bought the book and now I don't have to get up in the morning!

But of course, I can't just waint until morning, now that I have it I have to read the 1st chapter before bed. :) I'll try to update you all on my thoughts and reflections as I go as I did for book 6.

And now, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows...



Thursday, July 19, 2007

End in Sight

I was going thru my calendar today to coordinate one of my friends coming up to visit (ok, so he's really coming to see Ben, but I'm pretending he's coming to see me), and I realized that my summer is nearly over already.

Really, I'm about half-way thru it, but when I look at the time I have left to do things I want to do, I'm almost out of it. This is a bit discouraging as I haven't done any of the things I have on my list to accomplish this summer. Don't get me wrong, in no way do I feel like I've wasted my time this summer. On the contrary, I feel like I've spent my time really well so far this summer and regret none of the thigns I've done. Its just that there are things I don't have time to do during the school year that I was hoping to do in the summer, and so far, none of them are done.

Speaking of the school year, for a few moments today I actually thought: I don't really want to go back to work. I don't mean the standard "I don't want to go to work" that everyone feels, it was more a feeling of actually enjoying myself alot more now that I have some freedom and can see people and be involved in church and such that I really miss during the school year. I just told myself that I also really enjoy my job and love teaching science, which is true. I need to work harder this next year at working less (yes, I realize the irony in that statement).

As far as my animation class, it's really going quite well. I'm enjoying it and learning alot. I'm not so bad at programming, it turns out. Granted we're not doing anything that's all too complicated, but still. Tomorrow we begin brainstorming a module or two to design for use in the classroom, so I actually have to make something worth-while instead of my animated TIE fighter I've been working on the last few days...


Monday, July 16, 2007

I Caved!

Ok, so I've been contemplating this for about a week now, and finally gave in: I put a reservation in for the 7th Harry Potter book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I currently own books 1-6, but all in paperback and I was hoping to keep the set the same. My problem is I just can't wait to read the last book! It comes out on Saturday and I really want to start reading it this Saturday, I don't want to wait.

Some of you may be wondering what rekindled my obsession w/ the HP storyline. Its really simple: last Monday I brought book 6: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince with me to Jurry Duty to read while I was waiting. I started to read and then got sucked back into the book, realizing I had forgotten many of the details from the story. I'm almost to the climax of the story and will probably finish reading it either tonight or sometime this week. Immersing myself in the story again I was reminded how much I enjoy it and how curious I am to find out what happens!

The other motivation for this is my fear that someone will give away the ending or some other crucial information before I read it. Last year that happened in reading book 6, as one of the JH students told me who dies in the book (I won't mention it here in case any of you reading this haven't read the book yet). It was really a dissapointment to me to have the story spoiled. Because I'll be at church on Sunday, I'm afraid that I again will hear details from students that I don't want to hear. Granted, I won't be done reading the book by Sunday morning, I don't think, but at least I'll be in process, reducing the chance that something someone says will spoil the story for me.

In case you're interested, I plan to post updates that include my ideas, hypotheses, and reflections on the book as I read it like I did for book 6.




I don't know, but I may be posting multiple times today. I'm sitting on a computer in my 2 week SPRITE class, waiting for things to start. So far so bored, but I'm sure that'll change when we get going. My one fear about the class, that we'd have to learn programming, seems to be closer to be true now that I'm here. All I know is what's on the intro screen in the front of the class, but at the very bottom is a bullet that says: First Lesson in Visual Basic. I take that to mean that we're going to be learning Visual Basic, a programming language. We'll see how I do, I'll keep you updated!


Thursday, July 12, 2007

HP: Order of the Phoenix Movie Review

Just saw the 5th Harry Potter movie: The Order of the Phoenix and thought I'd write up a review (at 1am) instead of going to bed. Doesn't that sound like a good idea?

First of all, I am glad I did not just read the book. I've found in the past that I enjoy book-based movies much more when the details of the "correct" story are less in the forefront of my mind; I tend to get hung up on all the things the movie does "wrong". For this movie, its been at least a year since I've read the books, so I'm good.

Overall I enjoyed the movie. It was well done and I think it did a great job of capturing the essence of the book. The story included several details that weren't necessary to advance the plot, but were welcome additions that carried deeper meaning for those of us who have read the book. I think Dan Radcliff (actor who plays Harry) did a good job. Emma Watson (Hermione) and Ruber Grint (Ron) were ok, but I wasn't super impressed; there were a few lines that came accross a bit cheesey.

I think one of the things that I didn't like about the movie was Umbridge. I don't mean that I didn't like her character; on the contrary, I didn't hate her enough! When reading the book, I absolutly abhored the character and avoiding reading a few chapters w/ her featured when I re-read it. However, during the movie I found myself smiling at her from time to time, not something I should be doing! Her character is evil with a sugar coating. I think the sugar went a bit too deep in the movie protrayal.

While there were other relativly minor changes, a part at the end really bothered me as a change. The dual between Voldemort and Dumbledore was spectacular at first. Lost of bright shiny spells and energy emenating from the both of them. But then they did this weird thing where Voldemort inhabits Harry (which is based on something in the book), but they show Dumbledore helplessly watching, doing nothing. I think this is really an attack of character on Dumbeldore. Rarelly does Rowling portray Dumbledore as appear helpless or confused or afraid. It just isn't his nature. Even when fighting Voldemort, he's described as being calm and collected, just as if he was stroling down the hallway. Seeing as Dumbledore is my favorite character, it really bothers me when they change who he is.

So, to sum up, over all, I enjoyed it and feel they did a good job of preserving the main ideas of the book. Some changes I am fine with, others, not so much, but I enjoyed it and will undoubtably see it again (though probably not till its on DVD).


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Jury Duty Day 2

Two days, two pools, no jury. Today was remarkably similar to yesterday. Sat around for a while, got called for a jury pool, sat some more, went up to the courtroom for the initial questions, went to a LONG lunch, sat some more, finsished questions, was dismissed from the jury pool.

All in all I really enjoyed the jury duty experience. It was neat to see our legal system in action, some first-hand experiences instead of the contrived TV version I've seen up to this point (though there are definatly some true aspects to the TV shows). Part of me wishes I could have actually been on a jury, but that part is surpased by the part of me that doesn't want to have to get up and ride a bus for an hour to downtown Seattle. : )

Don't know for sure what the rest of the week holds. Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix movie comes out tomorrow (tonight at midnight, to be precise), so I'll probably try to see that, possibly after youth group tomorrow night, we'll see. Hopefully Ben will be able to go home tomorrow or early on Thursday. He needs time to recoup before he starts his next round of chemo, which is supposed to start on Monday!

I'm sorta' stalling to try and get my room to cool off so I can actually get to sleep tonight, but I don't think that's going to happen. Its in the upper 70s in my condo right now, and not much cooler outside. This would be one of the reasons I don't like summer. Ok, enough babbling, I'm off...


Monday, July 09, 2007

Jury Duty Day 1

I have sucessfully completed my first day of jury duty without being on a jury. I was actually in the very first group of people selected to be selected for a jury, but after nearly all day, was excused because they had enough people.

The whole experience was really interesting, albeit slow. Listening to the lawyers' quesitons and seeing the way they presented themselves was very educational. I know I shouldn't base my whole view of lawyers and the judicial system on my one afternoon in a cortroom, but here are some things I noticed right away:

-The prosecuter for the state was very factual and to the point.
-The defence atorney for the defendant was very emotional and touchy-feely
-This was a real man and potentially a real event that the jury would have to rule on
-There are a percentage higher than I thought who have personal experience (themselves or someone close to them) who have delt with sexual abuse of some kind

There are probably many other things that went on that I'll realize as I continue to process, but those are the initial insights I've had.

I'm probably headding out to the hospital tonight to see Ben. When I talked to him at lunch, his thrush was back and it was painful to talk agian, so you could be praying that God would clear that up quickly. Thanks!


Sunday, July 08, 2007

My Civic Duty

Well, tomorrow I begin my first round of Jury Duty. I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand I'm excited about having the chance to see what its really like in a courtroom and actually get to participate in our judicial process. On the other hand, I really don't want to get stuck in a really long, drawn out trial that I can't talk about and have to keep going into Seattle for. Its for two days if I don't get on a jury and until its done if I do.

In other news, I had the wonderful privilage this past week to participate in the first part of the leadership retreat w/ the high school youth group from church. It was a great time on so many levels. It was really the first time since I joined HS staff that I've been able to feel connected and involved with the group. I feel like I was able to get to know the leaders well, and re-connect with the studnets (I had most of them as JHers a few years ago). It was also a great way to really feel like I'm on summer break. Up until Sunday, I was feeling like it was just a long weekend. Getting away from the norm really has helped me separate myself from work and re-focus on other things.

There have been other things going on this week, some good and some less than good, but I'm not going to get into them at the moment. I'm still easing my way back into blogging, and I'm not sure anyone is reading this anyway, so I'll just leave it at that for now. : )